I'm normally a red wine fanatic, but thanks to the heat of summer, I've been gravitating towards this cooler, more refreshing drink (although red wine stays part of my diet with a killer sangria recipe). When it comes to beer I used to stick to safe choices like Stella, Sierra Nevada PA or a satisfying #9 but this summer I've been more adventurous and have garnered the following list of beers that make me eager to expand my repertoire further...
1. Unibroue - La Fin du Monde
Not only does this have a badass name but it is also from a brewery in Quebec. It's a Belgian ale that is very drinkable: not too heavy, not too hoppy, with a hint of citrus and spice. It can be found at your Trader Joe's in a sizable bottle (perfect for two), which was definitely the best part.
2. Abita - Purple Haze
This was an unexpected find right from our neighborhood liquor store when we just decided to pick up a sampler pack. Some of the other varieties were kind of gross but the Purple Haze was definitely the best one. It's not intensely fruity or sweet, the raspberry taste is wonderfully integrated and I prefer it over the Harpoon UFO Raspberry Hefeweizen (which is a bit cloying), or even the Sea Dog Blueberry Wheat Ale (which doesn't have enough fruit).
3. Rogue - Dead Guy
Don't let the name of this one make you think that only bikers or old guys with arms full of tattoos should be drinking this. It's actually a well balanced honey ale that is a bit on the malty side. Chris ordered this at Novare Res in Portland (while Jacquie and I went with our staple Allagash White), but then I tried his and ordered one for myself. Delish!
4. Samuel Adams - Summer Ale
This one was drunk many times because in Boston, often it's either Sam or Bud. It's a lemony, malty, and spicy brew, reminds me of a nicer version of Blue Moon, and tastes like Boston.
5. Dogfish Head - Raison d'etre
Maybe I'm just piqued by philosophical-sounding french beer names, but this was another one that I kept on my radar. It's probably the most unique out of all of them. It's a bit more alcoholic at 8%, and is a complex mahogany ale that's a bit fruity, malty, even sour. Perfect when you want a beer to challenge your taste buds.
6. Don't remember who made it - Peach Ale
We had this at the Great Lost Bear - Qui probably knows which one this is. Another fruitastic one! I tried the Dogfish Head Festina Peche which was actually weird tasting, this one was way better. The downside is this one is probably a microbrew which will make it hard to find.
What are your favorite beers?
Ronald Reagan Astrology
8 months ago
I LOVE Abita Purple Haze--it was on my list of things to try at Brickskellers, but I never got down that far. Then I saw it later at Joe Canal's on a party run, so I picked it up and it was a huge hit. I also discovered this summer that I have a fondness for Grolsch and, to a lesser extent, Heineken!
I'd like to try Fin du Monde...great post! Red wine I like too, but it gives me the year-round problem of headaches =\
yes, that peach beer was awesome! it was a caribbean thing, from st. thomas maybe? anyway, it was on special at the great lost bear, one of my fav bars.
I've been really digging magic hat's wacko this summer... I'm actually going to go buy a case tomorrow since I noticed the fall beers are starting to come out and I'll be sad when it's gone! on the plus side, that means delicious fall blends like sam adams oktoberfest are coming out :-)
(I just wish in NC that it actually FELT like fall)
Yeah the other great thing about Abita is that it's relatively cheap. Grolsch I like just for the cool bottle and cap, but Heineken, really? Wacko is good if I'm looking for something light and unobtrusive. I love that you gals love beer. Look how far we've come since Keystone Light!
My fave choice is still Blue Moon, but I hear their summer ale - "Honey Moon" is delicious. I tried the Purple Haze (thanks to Laura!) and really loved it too. If you like really fruity beers, I'd recommend Lambic flavored beers - my fave is their raspberry one!
Beer is totally over in Europe. Cider on tap in Irish and British pubs like Strongbow and Bolmer's is a tasty alternative to the wheat brews, but my favorite so far is the brut I had in Normandy, brewed in the orchard outside the farm.
btw, you should totally add reviews to your blog arsenal...I'm not into beer but that made my mouth water.
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