Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Comfort food

A terrific cure for the blues: curling up in bed with a warm bowl of turkey chili, while sheets of rain outside come down so hard it sounds like crinkling aluminum and the sky is gray like a dappled pony.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Overheard: bitter old people

"... and then I'll have to come back that way."
"Will you stop complaining."
"Oh hush, I will do what I want."
"I'll walk this way by myself and you walk your way. We'll just walk our own ways."
"Why not? I'll walk my way and you walk your way."
"You are so annoying. I hate you."
"What's wrong with you-"
"You are so annoying. Stop telling me what to do, I don't want to walk this way."
"I'm telling you, be careful or else you'll fall and die and then you'll get what you deserve."
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"I'm going to walk over here and you walk over there."